Too often data are not available to decision-makers in formats that make sense to them and at times that they need them. This can make planning and prioritisation difficult and can result in resources invested which do not match need.
Too often decision-makers are not held to account or encouraged to take action. Where data are made available in accessible formats to the wider public, community support organisations and the media it can empower them to pressure decision makers to act and track the progress of their leaders against their responsibilities and commitments.
From our experience over the last four years, evidence-informed advocacy is a very powerful tool for change.
In this book we share examples of how we have packaged data to inform and influence from across our programme. These evidence products range from factsheets and scorecards to infographics, posters and websites.
We often call these creative assets as we take considerable time, once we have established the audience and the purpose, to select and package the right data, target the messaging and make it visually accessible and appealing. Their creative design captures the imagination and acts as a hook to engage our audience and facilitate evidence based decision-making and advocacy.