Programme material
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Advocacy Brief on ENAP & EPMM in Nigeria
This summary provides a concise analysis of progress made toward enhancing maternal and newborn health (MNH) outcomes in Nigeria, in line with the goals and milestones set by ENAP and EPMM. It offers a snapshot of the current multi-stakeholder landscape for MNH advocacy and accountability, highlighting the vital contributions of civil society, parents, and communities in developing plans, policies, and budgets, monitoring progress, and spurring action.
Bungoma County VSP Handbook
The Vital Signs Profiles tool developed by the Primary Health Care Performance Initiative (PHCPI) is used to measure Primary Health Care (PHC) performance. Evidence for Action (E4A)-MamaYe team supported the County Government of Bungoma in Kenya to readapt this new measurement tool and fit their context. The VSP handbook will be useful for policymakers, advocates and citizens of Bungoma County to better understand the state of PHC in their county and identify issues of priority.
Steps to Change Toolkit
The Steps to Change model is a visual representation of how a joint goal by a coalition of advocates can be achieved through a series of steps/actions to address the root cause that led to a health problem. Steps to Change is about adaptation and flexibility with the aim to achieve the desired change.
Guiding Principles of Coalition Building
Coalitions are a group working together, discussing a need or an issue, and then forming a plan to address those. It is a collaborative effort between advocates to address a common problem.
How to plan health budget advocacy
Planning health budget advocacy will help you and other advocates to ensure that your advocacy efforts happen at the right time and deliver the right information to the right audience.
How to engage in public participation
Public participation can enable citizens, including advocacy groups, to access information on budget decisions so that they are able to better understand the issues and options that the Government are considering. While participating in the process, citizens can influence decisions by speaking on behalf of the people they represent.
How to establish the funding flow
Establishing the funding flow can give you a better understanding of how money flows through the health system and where there might be bottlenecks preventing money from reaching health facilities.
How to develop a scorecard
A scorecard is a visual display of performance against a set of agreed indicators against targets. Usually, traffic lights colours – green, amber and red – are used to depict performance, with green meaning good progress, amber meaning moderate progress and red meaning poor progress.
How to develop a health budget advocacy brief
The Health Budget Advocacy Brief will help you to visualise complex health and budget information. It links financial data on budget allocation and budget performance (release and spending) to data on service delivery and utilisation.
How to map the budget cycle
Mapping the budget cycle will help you explore when decisions are made, by whom, and how you can engage directly or via champions.